gee, midnight on a friday and somehow i've managed to avoid temptation and stay home. perhaps the killer migraine that has descended upon my poor head has something to do with it, although TYLENOL has gotten the job done. actually, it has more to do with events that took place last night.
october is all about SPORTS DAY in this land of the rising sun, a tribute to
"feats of strength" contests from the good ol' days. students run around for hours on end, competing in sprinting contests, cheering contests, and tug-of-war to claim bragging rights for the rest of the year. with a high school that has soccer teams, basketball teams, and judo teams that are ranked nationally every year, the kids are battle-hardened athlete/cyborgs that eat iron for breakfast and could run 10 miles without breaking a sweat. all in all, it was a great day to spend in the sun, especially beacuse i had no work to do that day, heh.
but that's only the beginning!
in a country where people come up with the greatest excuses to go drinking (hey! the leaves are changing color! let's sit under the trees and drink 'til we hurl!), no sports day is complete without the UCHIAGE, or post-function celebration.
the time and place chosen, i zoomed home on my one-seat fighter jet (yamaha JOG), jumped in the shower to scrub off the grime, changed into attire fit for drinking (north face t-shirt and jeans), and hoofed it over to sannomiya. the time was 6 pm, the witching hour for salarymen and office ladies out to soak some suds, lounge ladies to catch a quick drink before reporting for duty, and college kids with yen notes to burn in their pockets.
"MUNCHEN," the sign read. the german-style beer hall seemed out of place next to the shinto torii-gate on ikuta road. when i reached the reserved room, the party was in full-swing already. teachers young and old were scooping up their mugs, muddled conversations everywhere. and the beer JUST KEPT COMING. never mind the fried chicken and tekka rolls (HEY! they're not german!), the lager was the main course. pale ones, dark ones, half-and-half...the beer gods had descended upon kobe.
two hours passed by with nary a flash, and my coworkers and i looked around to take in the scene. the room was a german fraulein's nightmare, a wasteland of
beer mugs as far as the eye could see.
the night not just finished yet, we gathered up the survivors and crawled over to a karaoke box. what better way to top off an evening than a bit of singing and even MORE beer??? all-you-can-drink for two hours, for the cheap price of 20 bucks...
needless to say i woke up with a nasty hangover. i took half-a-day off and reported for duty in the afternoon, trying hopelessly to shake my head clear of the cobwebs and crumbs from the night before.