for two weeks straight now, i've been slaving away at both my "real" job, as well as projects on the side. it's given me hardly any time to touch my blog on a consistent basis.
when we last left our superhero-for-hire...
week one: work as usual, along with working the sound equipment for a friend's play. this meant that i had to wake up extra early on both saturday as well as sunday, something quite blasphemous for yours truly. with luck, the play began and concluded with hardly a hitch.
average amount of sleep per night for week one: 2 hours
week two: the end of the fiscal year in japan is fast approaching, which means that sh#t that was put aside until further notice needs to be cleaned up now.
after a visit from mr. OZY on friday night, i crawled into bed around 2 in the morning...only to wake up at 4 AM because i was to hit the slopes for some long-awaited 'boarding action! okay, so the snow was terrible (too warm...kinda like 'boarding on shaved ice), but i finally got to test out my new gear.
the trip to the slopes and back was really kickin' my ass, but i had to wake up early YET AGAIN on sunday morning, off to work while saner people stayed tucked in bed. thankfully, this madness will all end in a few weeks. at least spring break is just around the corner...
average amount of sleep per night for week two: 2.5 hours
*on a truly random note, i was at the train station this morning, luckily finding an empty seat in a semi-crowded morning commuter to osaka. now y'see, conductors in japan are quite courteous, reminding passengers to avoid running onto the train as it might cause bodily harm to oneself as well as others.
as he blew his whistle for departure, a 50-something-ish man comes hurtling down the steps, hair flying wildly around him as he tried to hurry aboard before the doors slammed shut.
well, he must have lost his balance, because he suddenly disappeared from view...followed by a rather loud THUNK. everyone in the car let out a collective "OOOOOOHHH!!!" kind of like when you see replays from "football's greatest hits" or something of that sort....
the conductor looked down at this poor guy, who sheepishly got up and scurried onboard, wheezing and panting.
his balding pate had an abnormally large red splotch from the point of impact.
now i know how bighorn sheep feel...