DAMN!!! i just realized that it's been about a month since i've written an entry.
well, it's official now. yours truly is now an astonishing 30 years old.
the good ol' twenty-something decade is now a thing of the past. bring on the mid-life crisis, cuz there's a new sheriff in town!
so here, in no particular order, are
10. go to more hanshin tigers games.
although the pinstriped boys of kansai haven't jumped out of the gates like last year, ticket sales have been brisk and most of the games this season are already sold out. luckily, i have friends in high places which will (hopefully) provide me with a chance to cheer'em on at the cavernous koshien stadium.
9. keep on spinnin'!!!
it's been over a year now since i started MAS FUEGO, a regular DJ event in kobe which specializes in drum'n'bass. although this music genre has yet to be fully accepted by the fickle japanese public, my hope is to keep it going this year.
8. take better care of myself.
'nuff said. i've go to cut back on the beers, watch my caloric intake, and trim down. i don' know about this whole atkins diet thing that seems to have taken the states by storm, but i've been trying to eat more greens and consume less lager.
7. play more basketball.
my workload has tripled since last year, but it's about time for me to lace up those sneakers and try to run down the court with the kids that i teach...of course, this is something that keeps getting harder to do each year. try chasing down 16, 17, and 18 year-olds that are bigger, stronger, and faster than you!!!
6. play more football.
no, not the american sort, but the worldly sport. i had a chance several weeks ago to partake in the all-japan JET soccer tournament, where yours truly was able to guard the net on awaji island's hallowed grounds...the pitch where mighty team ENGLAND practiced leading up to world cup 2002.
5. clean my room.
as i type in this entry, i've taken a look at my pad and realized that i simply have too much stuff.
you know what they say about asians not being able to throw away anything, right? it's true. half of the stuff that i own is junk that i've been too lazy to toss out.
4. get a song published.
i spend most of my free time putting together beats on my computer, and am currently in the process of composing a tune for a compilation album my friend is going to release on his HERMIT FLOW label.
3. go home for a well-deserved vacation.
i had my share of visitors out on this side of the globe this year, and it reminded me of all the good things i've been missing out on states-side. with a friend of mine getting married in mid-august, i think a trip back to the bay area is just about due.
2. give up smoking once and for all.
yeah, i hear those guffaws from the peanut gallery! i've spent half of my life hooked on nicotine, which is not a pretty thought. my younger brother was able to quit cold turkey this year; there's no reason why i shouldn't be able to do the same.
1. move into a bigger apartment!
(see #5) too many records, too much junk, not enough space. this is something i've wanted to do since last year. if anyone knows of a cheap place to live in kobe with lots of space and soundproof walls, i'm all ears!!!