Sunday, March 05, 2006

「W」2nd Anniversary @ club DAUGHTER

********************"W" 2ND ANNIVERSARY********************

2006.03.18 22:00 start @ clubDAUGHTER, Nagoya
1500 yen (with flyer)



Discovers the wonders of turntablism in 1996 and begins DJ'ing. After crossing over to the U.S. in 1997, Keisuke further hones his skills by becoming friends with the legendary DJ Shorkut and other influential Bay Area DJ's.

His beat-juggling skills make him a regular on the Kansai club circuit, eventually qualifying for the DMC JAPAN finals 3 times. He recently was a guest collaborator on Irma Records' crew i-dep's 2nd album,"Smile Exchange" which was released in July of 2005.

Keisuke has further broadened his musical horizons and focused more on drum'n'bass, incorporating furious turntablist skills with his signature DARK & HEAVY sound. He has also teamed up with DR. VIRUS to create RUFFBASS, a homepage dedicated to original drum'n'bass tracks they have composed.


DJ's & MC's

TAHARA [ex.Reload]
HASEGAWA [Echoesvillbass]
□ MIWA [Mousse]
■ ANDOH [fluid-nagoya]

MC AGO [Artical / XLNTZ]

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Bear with me for a sec as I wax politics…
News from Capitol Hill tends to carry a time lag, especially if you live on
the other side of the Pacific Pond…but not slow enough for this news flash
to reach us!!!

I’m sure most of you have read (and howled) at the headlines:
Cheney shoots friend while on hunting trip

C’mon, aiming for quail WITH A SHOTGUN???
Maybe you were hoping for a bigger catch…a moose perhaps???
Sure, his poor buddy had bent down to pick up some other hapless quail
that he had just finished pulverizing, and hadn’t noticed that he was in
the Big Dick’s line-of-sight.

Whatever the reason, Dick is off the hook (no charges filed…you sure as bet I would have!) while his huntin’ buddy convalesces in a hospital, fighting off a heart attack attributed to
“5 to 200” pellets lodged in his head and body.

THIS is the reason why I get the “Do all Americans like yourself walk around with a GUN???” one-liners from my co-workers.
Yeah, and I walk around wearing a Stetson hat, a holster, and chaps on weekends.

Okay, so I’ve probably offended the greater population of Texas with that last admission,
but please, folks…the vice-president should NOT be out hunting on a lark
(or should I say, “quail”).

Could it be that the White House P.R. staff actually doesn’t care anymore?
Does lame-duck Bush Regime status equal an automatic slacking of duties?
New leadership for the Palestinian state…
Iran’s resumption of nuclear development
Abduction of foreign citizens by North Korea…

Quail-hunting, personally, would be very well the LAST thing on my list of things to do.
Most importantly, my fellow Americans, think of the poor quail!!!
And I’ve heard they DO taste a bit gamey (har har).

Thursday, January 12, 2006


happy belated 2006, everybody!!!
and where has zig-nine been hiding these last few months,
you inquire???

DATELINE: Sunday, Nov. 27th 2005

I blew out the ACL in my right knee playing in a league
basketball game. After being carted off on a stretcher
and taken to a local hospital by ambulance, doctors
confirmed the worst after taking an MRI: a complete tear
which would result in surgery.

After spending a week convalescing to reduce the swelling,
doctors surgically reattached the damaged ligament and
inserted two titanium screws in the bone.
The next 5 weeks were a grueling combination of physical
therapy and weight-lifting.

This meant that I would be out of action for all of
December and January. I had to cancel all of my year-end
gigs (sorry, fellas) and spent a rather quiet New Year's Eve
for the first time in many years.

I'm happy to inform you that I've finally been able to
check out of the hospital. Although I'll be wearing a brace
on my leg for a while and be continuing with the rehab,
the year 2006 brings you a slimmer (lost about 10 pounds,
but still LARGE and IN CHARGE) DJ Zig-Nine.

The screws are in for I'll probably be setting
off metal detectors whenever I get on a plane. I hope the
scar and newly acquired semi-gangsta limp will reassure
airport security that I'm no threat.

In any case, the prognosis is good! Doctors reassured me
that I'll be able to get back on the court in a year...
as for the meantime, my next DJ gigs are scheduled for
March and April.

I hope to see all of you soon, and remember to stretch out
before every game!!!